2011年5月29日 星期日
Nanjing Massacre--problem between Chinese and Japanese
The hatred between Chinese and Japanese seems to last for a very long time. Like I said before, when Japanese were suffering from Earthquake, the Chinese were celebrating the disaster that destroyed Japan. Why? The Nanjing Massacre is the most common event that the Chinese bring up. They can't stand that the Chinese governments treat Japanese nicely after they slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Chinese. Chinese, especially people over 70 years old, hate the Japanese, because they cannot forget how the Japanese soldiers were during that 6 weeks of holocaust. I understand their hatred, because they've been through all these things. What I think is ering is that right now many Chinese teenagers hate because of the hatred. They cannot feel the pain that others suffered. They just hate everything, and what the Japanese did is only a good excuse for they to hate. I cannot feel the pain that these old people had suffered from, I cannot understand how much cruelty they've been through, but as a bystander, I would like to say to the Chinese new generation that we must remember the history, and forget the hatred. We can't let these kinds of things happened again.
Nanjing Massacre-- News paper article
It need not have happened!!!
TheNanking massacre need not have happened. Li Zhongyan(李仲言) said that Nanking was a "strategic dead-end" that was indefensible. Why did the massacre take place? Apart from the cruelty of the Japanese soldiers, the bureaucratic politics of the Chinese people is the other reason.
Nanking to the death.
So Chiang Kai-shek (蔣介石) left Nanking and transferred the capital of the country to Wuhan (武漢). Tong SIngzi (唐生智) sealed all the roads from Nanking to the north of the Yangtze River(長江) and he destroyed all the ferries. So when the Japanese soldiers entered the city, the citizens ofNanking had nowhere to go. But Tong Sungzi (唐生智) saved a boat for himself. When Nanking fell, Tong(唐生智) got on the boat and left. The defenders had no military command and surrendered. When the Japanese army entered the city, they took the 50,000 to 60,000 Chinese prisoners of war to the shore of the Yangtze River and executed them, leaving the river filled with floating corpses and dyed blood red.
There are many sects within the Chinese military, just like today we have the British remnants, the Fujian native communists, the Shanghai gang and others in Hong Kong ; they don't like each other and they try to derail each other. Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek (蔣介石) favored the Whampoa Military School officers, who were known as the Central Army and received special favors . Other sects such as Zhang Xueliang's(張學良) Northeastern Army, Fung Yujiang's (豐郁江) Northwestern Army, Li Zhongyan's (李仲言) Guizhou (貴州) Army, Chen Jitong's (陳其恫) Guangdong Army and Tong Sungzi's(唐生智) Sichuan Army were all other treated as outsiders.
When the Japanese army rolled in, the Northeastern Army's Zhang Xueliang (張學良) staged a mutiny and forced Chiang Kai-shek (蔣介石) to fight the Japanese. This made Chiang (蔣介石) even more antagonistic towards the non-Whampoa sects. When the Japanese army approached Nanking, Chiang Kai-shek (蔣介石) called for a military conference and asked for a volunteer to defend the city. All the officers stayed quiet. Chiang (蔣介石) glared at Tong Sungzi (唐生智), who was forced to stand up and say, "I will shall defend." And then he swore that he would defend So Chiang Kai-shek (蔣介石) left Nanking and transferred the capital of the country to Wuhan (武漢). Tong SIngzi (唐生智) sealed all the roads from Nanking to the north of the Yangtze River(長江) and he destroyed all the ferries. So when the Japanese soldiers entered the city, the citizens of
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